13010 Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation-a new form of contemporary slavery-

April 19, 2013 § Leave a comment

by de Walter Astrada y Sandra Sotelo
with Misión de Adoratrices
Catalonia, Europa

The objective of this project is to present and report trafficking in women for sexual exploitation that exists in the world. This reality is a gross violation of human rights and a new form of slavery.

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The report

Human trafficking is an international phenomenon that involves the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons […] the purpose of exploitation, including exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. While it is difficult to quantify, the IOM estimates that 800,000 people annually are trafficked across international borders, while many others are within the borders of their own countries. In terms of trafficking for sexual exploitation, and only in Europe talking about a market of about 140,000 victims, moving a turnover of 3,000 million dollars annually. The causes? Mainly the existence of a niche market, discrimination and gender inequality, poverty and corruption.
The work is in three phases: recruitment or recruitment in the country of origin transfer, which can last several years and through one or more borders, and exploitation in the country / countries of transit and destination. In the process there are many actors involved, family and / or friends of the victims, local intermediaries, international criminal networks and authorities. Traffickers lure 70% of their victims by offering promises of jobs, better quality of life and a future project.
During the time that the victim is being held is exposed to situations of extreme violence (malnutrition, deprivation of medical care, threats, rape, incitement to drug use, beatings, forced abortions, and even death), leaving serious consequences generally and trauma both physically and psychologically with post-traumatic stress disorder may involve personality disorders, depression, psychosis and insomnia.
Trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation is recognized as a severe violation of human rights in many international legal instruments, however grotesque there is a gap between the provisions and the long journey of barriers that currently exist for this crime victims access to justice, are compensated financially for damages and restored in all its rights and access to services and protection and convict the guilty.

La trata de personas con fines de explotación sexual es reconocida como una severa violación de DDHH en múltiples instrumentos jurídicos internacionales, sin embargo existe una brecha grotesca entre las disposiciones previstas y el largo periplo de barreras que actualmente existen para que las víctimas de este delito accedan a la Justicia, sean indemnizadas económicamente por daños y perjuicios y restituidas en todos sus derechos, así como para que accedan a servicios de asistencia y protección y se condene a los culpables.

The authors

WALTER ASTRADA (Buenos Aires, 1974)-Walter starts as a photographer for the newspaper La Nacion of Argentina, and later worked at Associated Press in Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Haiti, and West Africa covering AFP. For AFP in 2006 , begins its project on violence against women in Guatemala, DRC, India and Norway. Among his numerous awards highlights three World Press Photo in 2007, 2009 and 2010, the Bayeux-Calvados Award in 2009, NPPA-BOP as “Photojournalist of the Year”, among others.Also Revela’08 grants obtained, the Alexia Foundation 2009 and Getty.
SANDRA SOTELO (Barcelona, 1979)-Degree in Economics, Sandra specializes in humanitarian affairs, human rights and visual studies. In 2006 he moved to the DRCongo where he works on projects for Violence Sexual Victim Assistance. Since 2010 works as an independent consultant in empowering women and protecting international organizations in various countries.

The project

Cat Sychar works to promote the human rights of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation through comprehensive care and denouncing this modern form of slavery.

The overall objective of the project is to support women in prostitution-related environments and / or those who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation. Furthermore, the specific objectives are:

• Meeting the basic needs of health and safety conditions of the victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation
• Promote the empowerment of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation through the provision of social, psychological, legal and socio-
• Display the phenomenon of trafficking for sexual exploitation through training and awareness of social partners and society in general and participation in related networks

The expected results are related to the restoration of the rights of the person on the principle of women’s ability to self-manage their own lives and their resilience and achieving co-responsibility of governments to this serious violation of human rights.

The entity

Adorers Mission (founded in 1856 and registered in 1909):
• The release, promotion and personal and social integration of women affected by various forms of slavery.
• The reporting of situations of injustice, the rights of women, knowledge of the social problems that affects and critical analysis of reality.
Sicar project was founded in 2002 in response to the demands of an emerging collective, women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
So Sicar aims to promote the human rights of women victims through comprehensive care.
The action principles and values:
• Unconditional welcome to start the recovery process
• Autonomy. Belief in the ability of women to self-manage their own lives
• Active listening and empathic
• Consistency and transparency
• Freedom as a pivot. Sicar fight for every woman to make their own identity
• Co-responsibility
• Intercultural

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